Television actor VaaniSood is playing the role of Princess Eshwarya in Star Bharat’s show ‘MayaviMaling’. She is extremely excited after having received positive response for the promos of the show. She is very positive about the character that she is playing as it has multiple shades and qualities. In this candid chat, Vaani talks about her experience of shooting for the show, her character and expectations from the audiences. Excerpts from the interview.

Tell us something about the show

MayaviMaling is a courageous journey of three princess Pranali, Eshwarya and Garima trying to save their Kingdom, Maling. The story of this show stands true to Star Bharat’s brand philosophy of ‘Bhula De Darr, KuchAlag Kar”.  MayaviMaling is an original fantasy series which is focused on establishing that grit, courage and determination are the biggest weapons to fight against mightiest of the evil on screen and reality too.

Tell us something about your character in the show

I am playing the character of Eshwarya, the second daughter of King Shiladitya and princess of Maling Kingdom. Eshwarya is someone who is very studious and loves her book and at the same time, she is shy and conscious. One thing strong about her character is that no one can match up to the knowledge she holds which even she herself doesn’t realise for a long time because of which she is under confident and awkward in social interactions. She is also extremely shy while talking to men. Her biggest challenge is to speak her mind. She has most of the answers to the questions, yet does not have the confidence to say these answers aloud. She is a princess with etiquette. All this mix makes my character very intriguing to watch.

Did you take any special training for this show?

Yes, I underwent a lot of training. There has been special dialect training to make our diction proper. We have taken special sword fighting training. In fact, I am also practising mixed martial arts to keep myself flexible for all the fight sequences.

How is your experience working with your co-stars?

I really enjoy shooting with my co-stars Harshad Arora, Gracy Goswami, Shakti Anand, Neha Solanki, Aparna Kumar and everyone else. Its great fun and since all of them are experienced, I get to learn a lot from them.  The best part is that all of them are supportive and co-operative, so work never seems like a challenge because they will always be there to guide one another. We share a very loving and a strong bond that we all share.  All of them are extremely affectionate.

What do you think the audience will like about MayaviMaling considering they have so many options to watch today?

I believe the uniqueness of the show is something that will engross everybody. The concept and treatment given to the show is very different from what you usually have been seeing on TV. The story based on the magical world of Maling talks about the courageous journey of three princess, which is indeed very inspirational. The show’s visual effects are amazing making a complete family entertainment for its viewers.

Tell us something about your upcoming shows/projects.

I am currently focusing only on MayaviMaling.

Do you believe in Magic?

As a kid, yes I did believe in magic. We all did believe in magic at some point of life. Today I believe that there is a universe which helps us and guide us. I believe in Omni-present soul that always gives you that you wish for. If that is magic then yes I do believe in Magic.


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