Amidst the hustling on the narrow lanes of Chandni Chowk, doing anything is a bit of a task. However, that did not stop one of our TV’s popular actor Jay Soni, from shooting there right during the festival of Diwali. The actor was shooting near areas like ChandaniChowk and Jama Masjid for his upcoming ‘Star Bharat’ show ‘SasuraalGendaPhool 2’. Jay was wearing a mask, however, that did not stop people from recognizing him. 

He says, “It was very chaotic, crowded, but it was an amazing experience. It was so crowded that I was telling my crew that we have got some guts to be shooting in daylight at this location. I also realized that some people who could identify me had posted some videos from the shoot online, and that’s how even more people got to know that we were shooting in the area.”

He further says, “It was amazing to be in Delhi. No matter how hectic my schedule got, I snuck out to try some food. How can you be in Delhi, that too at locations like Chandni Chowk, and miss out on food there? So I tried chholebhature, paranthe, and other things that I could spot in the vicinity. We would start shooting early in the morning and would try to wrap up before evening. And if I could find some time in between the shots, I would try and eat. All of this really got hectic, but it was a great experience. I only wish there was less traffic. I used to think that Mumbai is the worst when it comes to traffic, but this time, I noticed that traffic in Delhi is equally bad. It could be because of the festive rush, but it was surely bad,” 

Jay was excited to have a working Diwali after almost two years and he says, “I know that might sound a bit odd, but I am very happy that I was working this Diwali. We got one day off on Diwali, and I think that was enough to celebrate with family. After almost two years, I had this crazy shoot schedule during the festive season. I think I enjoy working on Diwali more than just being at home.”

Jay Soni was shooting in the capital after almost seven years. Well, fans are waiting in anticipation for his upcoming show and can’t wait to see him back on screen.


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